What do you do when lies are shared from the pulpit? Do you get up and quietly leave? Do you create dissension with your whispering and try to stage a coup? Do you stand up in the midst and rebuke? Many people seem to want the latter. To scream their voice out above the rest.
Tag: community
My Elevator Pitch
I remember when I first moved to the Boise area. I didn’t work outside the home, or know anyone, so at church I tried to introduce myself. Every week. In the repetition, it started to feel like an elevator pitch. An almost memorized teaser summing up my reason for living, moving, my hobbies, and experiences….
The Story of a Testimony Snippet
Originally posted on May 6, 2022, edited I recently tried to define story. I know there are probably thousands of succinct descriptions of “what is a story” already waiting to be quoted. But for the sake of my conversation we were trying to agree upon a common vocabulary so we could then talk about the…
Why You Matter
Last weekend I spoke at the first Fall Gathering for IdaHope Christian Writers and I wanted to share my talk here.