The same tradition can bring life to one household and oppression to another. Even in the same house, a rule can be life giving or demeaning.
Sonship and Citizenship
I remember standing on the deck of a beautiful home in Tahoe for a home group gathering. The leader responded to my compliment about the view, his home, and yard with, “Where God guides, he provides.” It’s so, so true. God directs us. He opens and closes doors. All good things come down from the…
Praying Naked
Even though I only wanted to escape eternal burning and torture, I know my 11 year old conversion was real, because after, I felt compelled to promise to God that I wouldn’t lie anymore. A handful of years later, when I tried to walk away from my faith, I’d actually become so bad at lying…
The Portugues Camino de Santiago
I was speaking to my mom about getting older yesterday, and we decided it isn’t something the young can handle. Only the experienced can do it. A few weeks ago, my husband and I spent the weekend in Hailey, ID with friends. When we were visiting our favorite spot by the river to soak our…
My Elevator Pitch
I remember when I first moved to the Boise area. I didn’t work outside the home, or know anyone, so at church I tried to introduce myself. Every week. In the repetition, it started to feel like an elevator pitch. An almost memorized teaser summing up my reason for living, moving, my hobbies, and experiences….